TD Canada
iOS / Android, Responsive Application Product Design (UI / UX Design)

Project Overview
TD USA needed to implement a new feature within the existing US based native app that would enable users to pay their credit card bills directly in both IOS and Android platforms. This new feature would greatly facilitate the process for paying credit card bills which at the moment was very tedious and not very intuitive for the users. Also another feature missing is the ability where the users can determine a future date where a payment could automatically be made towards their credit card balance. In other words enabling the users to auto pay a certain amount each month was also scheduled to be implemented within the existing app.

Problem Statement
Add the ability for users to pay credit card bills in one lump sum or to prepay a set amount each month within the existing app. Check that the solution works on both iOS and Android native platforms. It was critical to maintain consistency between the existing app and the responsive version of the app. These new features had to work seamlessly within the existing app while also being distinct enough as we transitioned to a new TD design system.

Problem Solution
Working in an agile environment, our process began with the creation of user stories and acceptance criteria, which served as the foundation and foundation for our solutioning. We would create mid-fidelity wireframes based on these criteria and user stories, which would be reviewed for feedback by the entire team. Once the wireframes were approved, we would move on to high-fidelity mock-ups, which would also be presented for feedback from the entire team. We would then hand over the designs to developers once the approvals were in place. All team members, including developers, writers, and line of business representatives, would be present at all stages of the feedback process in order to obtain holistic feedback and everyone’s point of view.

Creative Process
We were able to identify the exact features that we needed to add, as well as how they should work in order to be the most intuitive, by interviewing users. To determine the most important features that needed to be implemented, discussions were held with line of business stakeholders. We also needed to ensure that the solution worked with native iOS and Android apps, as well as desktop responsive designs. Consistency was essential across the existing app as well as between the app and the responsive version of the app. These new features had to work seamlessly within the existing app while also standing out from other similar payment methods.